Welcome to the Global Law Discussion Group

Welcome to the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law), an international legal discussion forum, which is a voluntary legal empowerment and citizen legal education (CLE) initiative of the Human Right of Free Access to Law Advocacy (HURIFALA), also known as the Human Right of Free Access to Public Legal Information Advocacy (HURAPLA).

Today, the Director, Administrators, and all the Distinguished Members of the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) warmly welcome our new distinguished members who have just joined the Group.

Membership of this Discussion Group Requires Free Registration

If you have not registered as a user of this Human Right of Free Access to Public Legal Information Advocacy (HURAPLA) website, you will not be able to ask any question, answer any question, or start any discussion in this Group. Registration is FREE.

All you need for your registration is your email address with your new username for this website (not the username that you use to access your email). Click here to register now (or click the Register tab below). Thank you.

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[Sticky] Information About the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law)

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Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) Welcomes All our New Distinguished Members

The Administrators and all the Distinguished Members of the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law), a voluntary legal empowerment initiative of the Human Right of Free Access to Public Legal Information Advocacy (HURAPLA), warmly welcome our new Distinguished Members who have just joined the Group. The Group now has 53,224 members from all over the world (as of the time of this post) and it is growing rapidly EVERY DAY.



This Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) promotes responsible discussions on all aspects of the laws that govern the conduct and activities of people, organisations, and governments worldwide. Only discussions that are strictly on the law (legal matters, legal issues, or legal topics) are allowed here in this Group.

Posts or questions on religion, politics, get-rich-quick investments and promotions, sports, entertainment, comedy, and other non-legal matters are prohibited (not allowed) in the Group. You can ask any question on any legal matter, legal topic, or legal issue, and rest assured that fellow members of the Group will gladly give their answers to your question.



Any person from any country in the world (irrespective of the person's education, profession, country, status in society, gender, etc.) can join the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) and become a Distinguished Member.

The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) promotes PROFESSIONAL LEGAL NETWORKING for lawyers and CITIZEN LEGAL EDUCATION (CLE) for all those who are not lawyers.

Citizen legal education enables every citizen to know the basic principles of law. Remember, IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE for violating it. The Latin maxim of this ancient and modern universal legal doctrine or principle is "ignorantia juris non excusat" or "ignorantia juris neminem excusat ("ignorance of the law excuses no one").



Click the link or image below to visit or join the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) via the Group's secure official website where you can read and DOWNLOAD FREE BOOKS and ARTICLES on law and also on information and communications technology (ICT) for free computer literacy and Internet training:



Be patient with those who are learning the law and members of the public who are simply interested in knowing the law. They all deserve equal respect (as human beings) and encouragement.

The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) proactively upholds the underlying human rights principles of the EQUALITY and DIGNITY OF EVERY HUMAN BEING, irrespective of race, language, status in society, education, gender, etc.

For instance, education remains a privilege because many people worldwide do not still have (adequate) access to it, despite its recognition as a human right. Therefore, the lack of proper formal education should not create any barrier to human interaction and the exercise of the human right to freedom of expression and opinion.

Do not expect every person in this Group to speak or write ENGLISH LANGUAGE to the level you want. Even the native speakers of the English language (in England) still make mistakes in the use of English.

Please, correct people in love and kindness. That is a great virtue in life, and it makes you a great person.

Remember, there are beneficial rewards for every service to humanity.

The worth or value of your life depends on the extent of your positive impact on people and society. Enjoy the fun and reward of being a mentor to other people.



The official Group Description and the Rules of the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) are available in the Group. Members of the Group should read the Rules of the Group properly and abide by them.



The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) is for legal discussion only and, therefore, neither the Group, her Administrators, nor any member thereof can be liable in any manner whatsoever for any opinion, answer, or suggestion in response to any question or discussion in the Group.

As a member of this Group, if you need any professional legal advice or opinion that you want to rely upon, you have to consult a lawyer (formally as a client) for it and have a private lawyer-client contractual relationship with that person.


Thank you so much. Best regards

Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee
Group Coordinator, Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law)
PhD in International Human Rights Law, Legal Information Technology (Legal Informatics), Indigenous Customary Law and Indigenous Rights




This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee

Origin and Growth of the Global Law Discussion Group

Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee created the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) on Facebook on 5 September 2019. The Facebook Group now has more than 124,000 members (one hundred and twenty-four thousand members) from more than 100 countries (one hundred countries) all over the world (as of the time of this update), and it is growing with new members EVERY DAY.

The New Version of the Global Law Discussion Group on this Website

We are now concentrating on promoting this new version of the Group on this Human Right of Free Access to Law (Public Legal Information) website because it has numerous advantages over the Facebook version. The advantages include the following:

(1) it has a much better design interface specifically for the presentation of QUESTIONS and ANSWERS;

(2) it is available to the whole world (not just users of Facebook);

(3) it has the possibility of changing and adapting its design to what works best for the Group (unlike the situation with Facebook groups);

4) it provides immediate access to all the FREE law articles, books, and other FREE resources on the same website; and

(5) it ensures immediate access to the International Legal Directory of Lawyers, Law Firms, and Law Lecturers (Legal Academics, Law Teachers, and Law Professors) on the same website.

How to Ask a Question or Start a New Discussion in this Group

After you have logged in with your username (or email address) and the password that you used for your free registration as a user or member of this website, you can then click the Ask a Question tab below to post your question or article on any legal matter, legal issue, or legal topic and rest assured that members of this Group will gladly answer your question and participate in the discussion of your article. This Group is a big caring family.

Questions and Posts on Politics, Religion, and Other Non-legal Issues are Not Allowed in this Group

Only discussions that are strictly on the law (legal matters, legal issues, or legal topics) are allowed here in this Group.

Posts or questions on religion, politics, get-rich-quick investments and promotions, sports, entertainment, comedy, and other non-legal matters are prohibited (not allowed) in the Group.

Login for Registered Users of this Website

Registered users or members of this website can simply click the Login tab below or click here to log in.

The Nature of the Global Law Discussion Group’s Discussions

This Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) promotes responsible discussions on all aspects of the laws that govern the conduct and activities of people, organisations, and governments worldwide.

Only discussions that are strictly on the law (legal matters, legal issues, or legal topics) are allowed here in this Group.

Posts or questions on religion, politics, get-rich-quick investments and promotions, sports, entertainment, comedy (except purely law comedy in text only, not in video), and other non-legal matters are prohibited (not allowed) in the Group.

You can ask any question on any legal matter, legal topic, or legal issue, and rest assured that fellow members of the Group (among whom are professional lawyers and law lecturers) will gladly give their answers to your question.

Membership of the Global Law Discussion Group

Any person from any country in the world (irrespective of the person’s education, profession, tribe, status in society, gender, etc.) can join the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) and become a Distinguished Member.

The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) promotes professional legal networking for lawyers and citizen legal education (CLE) for all those who are not lawyers.

Citizen legal education enables every citizen to know the basic principles of law. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse for violating it. The Latin maxim of this ancient and modern universal legal doctrine or principle is “ignorantia juris non excusat” (ignorance of the law is no excuse) or “ignorantia juris neminem excusat” (ignorance of the law excuses no one).

Join the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law)

Click the link or image below to visit or join the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) on Facebook now:

The Core Values of the Global Law Discussion Group

Be patient with those who are learning the law and members of the public who are simply interested in knowing the law. They all deserve equal respect (as human beings) and encouragement.

The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) proactively upholds the underlying human rights principles of the EQUALITY and DIGNITY OF EVERY HUMAN BEING, irrespective of race, language, status in society, education, gender, etc.

For instance, education remains a privilege because many people worldwide do not still have (adequate) access to it, despite its recognition as a human right.

Therefore, the lack of proper formal education should not create any barrier to human interaction and the exercise of the human right to freedom of expression and opinion.

Do not expect every person in this Group to speak or write ENGLISH LANGUAGE to the level you want. Even the native speakers of the English language (in England) still make mistakes in the use of English.

Please, correct people in love and kindness. That is a great virtue in life, and it makes you a great person.
Remember, there are beneficial rewards for every service to humanity.

The worth or value of your life depends on the extent of your positive impact on people and society.
Enjoy the fun and reward of being a mentor to other people.

Rules of the Global Law Discussion Group

The official Group Description and the Rules of the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) are available in the Group. Members of the Group should read the Rules of the Group properly and abide by them.

The Rules of the Group are available via the following link:

Absolute Disclaimer of Liability by the Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law)

The Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law) is for legal discussion only and, therefore, neither the Group, her Director, her Administrators, nor any member thereof can be liable in any manner whatsoever for any opinion, answer, or suggestion in response to any question or discussion in the Group.

As a member of this Group, if you need any professional legal advice or opinion that you want to rely upon, you have to consult a lawyer (formally as a client) for it and have a private lawyer-client contractual relationship with that person.

Thank you so much.

Best regards

Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee FSALS
Group Founder & Director, Global Law Discussion Group (Helping Lawyers and Citizens to Know the Law)
PhD in International Human Rights Law, Legal Information Technology (Legal Informatics), Indigenous Customary Law and Indigenous Rights